Tuesday, March 29, 2011

First, a Confession

Fine. I admit it.

I've lied about seeing, from beginning to end,  <insert sophisticated, acclaimed film here> once or twice.

And for someone who claims to love movies, it's surprising how many of the "Greats" I actually  haven't seen, from beginning to end.

So I've decided to come clean, and earn the right to call myself a film buff.

The question this begs then is- where should I begin?

There are dozens of books that talk about movies-you-should-watch-before-you-die and even more Lists online that rank the "greatest" films of all time. Frankly, I've grown tired of problematizing the subjectivity of aesthetics, so I've just chosen a list that seemed to be the most inclusive while still reasonably credible.

So, the Challenge has been selected-Watch  Time magazine's  100 "Greatest" films, one Friday feature at a time.

 Full List - All TIME 100 Movies

So go grab some popcorn, and let's get started.

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